All you need to know
Is the technology ready yet?
Yes, you can have photorealistic 3D models of your products today. We have a complete set of tools to do everything from scanning to delivery. Your products will look online the same way as offline thanks to our technology.
Does it look real enough?
The materials of the Precismo 3D models behave exactly like in real life thanks to our Texture-transfer technology. All the material properties are captured in the highest detail, which ensures that scanned objects look real in all applications (VR/AR/Gaming/Web).
How long does the whole process take?
The creation of the 3D models can take few hours thanks to the technology of robotics and AI that is used. The implementation of the models on the website takes 5 minutes.
But it’s too complicated, I don’t understand the technology
It’s quite complicated, true. But you don’t have to understand
how it’s done. We do, you get the benefits. -
It must be difficult to scale
Nope, once the model is created, it can be used, adjusted and multiplied indefinitely.
It will drive my costs up.
3D models are an investment, but they pay for themselves in revenue increase
and lower logistics costs within a few months.